As I've begun my journey towards surrogacy, I've realized that this world has it's own language of acronyms, second only to the military. Since I constantly find myself asking "Wait, what does that stand for?", I thought maybe my readers will too and that maybe a list of acronyms would be helpful. Some of these aren't exclusive to surrogacy but are still helpful to know.
GS: Gestational Surrogate.
TS: Traditional Surrogate.
IP: Intended Parent.
IF: Intended Father
IM: Intended Mother or Intramuscular Injection.
IVF: In vitro fertilization.
EDD: Estimated Due Date
2WW/TWW: 2 Week Wait
TTC: Trying To Conceive
RE: Reproductive Endocrinologist
BBT: Basal Body Temperature
AF: Aunt Flo (period)
BFP: Big Fat Positive (positive home pregnancy test)
BFN: Big Fat Negative (negative home pregnancy test)
HPT: Home Pregnancy Test
POAS: Pee On A Stick: taking an HPT
LMP: Last Menstrual Period (start date of your last period)
hCG: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (the "pregnancy hormone" that pregnancy tests check for.
PIO: Progesterone In Oil
FRER: First Response Early Results (brand of HPT that picks up very small amounts of hCG in the urine)
u/s: ultrasound
NC: Nurse Coordinator
*dp*dt: number of days past number of days transfer. Ex: 5dp5dt: 5 days past 5-day transfer (aka, a transfer of one or more 5-day embryos
SET: Single Embryo Transfer
FET: Frozen Embryo Transfer
GS: Gestational Surrogate.
TS: Traditional Surrogate.
IP: Intended Parent.
IF: Intended Father
IM: Intended Mother or Intramuscular Injection.
IVF: In vitro fertilization.
EDD: Estimated Due Date
2WW/TWW: 2 Week Wait
TTC: Trying To Conceive
RE: Reproductive Endocrinologist
BBT: Basal Body Temperature
AF: Aunt Flo (period)
BFP: Big Fat Positive (positive home pregnancy test)
BFN: Big Fat Negative (negative home pregnancy test)
HPT: Home Pregnancy Test
POAS: Pee On A Stick: taking an HPT
LMP: Last Menstrual Period (start date of your last period)
hCG: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (the "pregnancy hormone" that pregnancy tests check for.
PIO: Progesterone In Oil
FRER: First Response Early Results (brand of HPT that picks up very small amounts of hCG in the urine)
u/s: ultrasound
NC: Nurse Coordinator
*dp*dt: number of days past number of days transfer. Ex: 5dp5dt: 5 days past 5-day transfer (aka, a transfer of one or more 5-day embryos
SET: Single Embryo Transfer
FET: Frozen Embryo Transfer
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